mercredi 13 juin 2018

One-time Password for Amazon account


We apologize for the difficulties you may have experienced, when attempting to register a device or app to your Amazon account.

For security reasons, we may require a two-step authentication process when registering certain devices and software applications.

To complete the registration of your device or app, please enter the following One Time Password within the password field on the sign in screen:


This One Time password is time sensitive, so you need to use it within 10 minutes of receiving our email. If your One Time Password expires, please reattempt to register your device with your Amazon account password to generate another One Time Password.

Your Amazon account password has not been modified.

If the sign-in was not initiated by you, please reset your Amazon account password. Information on changing your account settings is available on our help pages.

Ensuring the security of customer account information is our top priority, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you.

vendredi 8 juin 2018

Help us out?

Hey sat, Wade here.

I noticed you've had some success with Zapier—awesome! If Zapier has improved the way you work, would you mind telling us about your experience?

We like to check in with our power users so we can discover case studies and feature ideas that will inspire people like you in the future. If you'd like to help out, you can leave your comments in this short form—we'd really appreciate it :-)

Thanks for using Zapier! If you have any questions about Zapier, or suggestions about how we can make our app more useful for you, just reply to this email.

- Wade Foster, CEO of Zapier

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