So I was getting a few bits done to the Clio on Saturday and to keep a long story short, a the head of a wheel bolt sheared off on removal of the wheel. So I have part of a bolt inside the hub. My mechanic doesn't seem to phased, but for the next day or 2 I'll be driving about with 3 bolts instead of 4.
Im looking at replacing all the wheel bolts now just incase it happens again, and I was wondering what are the best to buy. I see sets of 16 eBay for less that £20, would these do the job? I imagine they would be much more expensive from Renault, but would it be worth it?
Any help welcome.
Im looking at replacing all the wheel bolts now just incase it happens again, and I was wondering what are the best to buy. I see sets of 16 eBay for less that £20, would these do the job? I imagine they would be much more expensive from Renault, but would it be worth it?
Any help welcome.
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