mercredi 19 août 2015

Espace MK3 2001, 2,2Dci - leaking oil

Hello from Norway
I am hoping for your help here. To cut the story very short. Last fall the car broke down due to broken accessories belt, belt was worn out because of an oil leak.

After a lot of time spent in my own garage, I found that a cap had fallen of inside the timing belt cover, causing oil to drip out. So I pushed it in place and thought that it was done.

But since I probably didn't clean the pulleys good enough, the next also broke, causing the power steering pump to start leaking. So I changed it, I cleaned everything really good and then it all seemed dry and nice for a couple of weeks.

The other day as I was driving in heavy traffick, I thought I saw something spraying or steaming up from the hood of the car, but I didn't hear or feel anything. When I got home I saw that all of the left side of the engine was drenched in oil, even the inside of the wheel was totally black, and the left side of the car was full of drops of oil.

This totally punched me to the floor, makes me insane. I have no clue what happened. But also there is a nice pond of oil on top of the engine. Could it be blowing out from the cover sitting beside the crankshaft pulley? I see there are breathing holes there, and with some pressure this oil would be able to get to the inside of the wheel.

I have read a lot about cracked inlet manifold. Could this be the cause in this case? And is this something I can do myself?

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but my technical english is not the best I guess....

Espace MK3 2001, 2,2Dci - leaking oil

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