samedi 15 août 2015

HELP, dodgy Scenic (04) 1.5 dci

I apologise for posting this first as I'm new to all this forum thing and am having huge problems navigating it.
It took me an hour nearly to work out how to post something...if in deed i am doing it correctly now?

Anyway I made the silly mistake of buying a Scenic 1.5dci (2004) second hand three days ago. It ran okay and looks lovely.
The "check injectors and airbag" warnings were showing but the bloke said it was because he had fitted a new Lambada sensor and all the car requyired was someone to remove the warnings and I shouldn't bother about it, foolishly I accepted what he said!

Anyway yesterday it refused to start and the battery was dead. I called Greenflag who took 3 hours to bother showing up and the man said the obvious that the battery was dead and I should buy a new one, he started the car and told me the alternator was fine. I mentioned the warnings on the dash and he said they were common and to ignore other words he made out he was an expert in all things Scenic.

Saying that when I asked him to run a diagnostic test he didn't know where to plug the machine in and I had to google it, apparently it's under the centre drinks holder mat thing. Before even attempting this he said his machine would say it failed to connect and after two tries it did fail, odd for a breakdown company in my head.

So after a lot of looking around I see battery drain is a massive issue with these and I've tried everything from removing all the interior bulbs to only locking it with one click of the key card and yet it still drains.

It started to day and smoked like a trooper and after I turned it off and tried again the battery was dead.
I have read many a thing that the sensor thing may be stopping ti starting but the battery is dead and I'm not thinking it's a good idea to get a new one if this cab be jump started and then charged up, especially if something else is causing the issue.

I did notice that when my AC is on the switch refuses to work on levels 2 and 4, odd again and thought this may have something to do with it.

Also after turning it off and removing the card the dash obviously goes off but I watched the car the other night and it flashed on then off again after about 10-15 seconds, the car was locked and I was outside this normal.

I did have an issue opening one of the back doors when I clicked the unlock key card button as well but I just locked and unlocked it again and it opened.

Today I have battled through and removed the battery as I'm told that disconnecting it for a while will clear the messages. I have also been told to fill he car up and add injector cleaner but I can't start the bloody thing and odds on if I do and get it to a garage to fill it then it will again refuse to start.

I'm at my whits end as I'm now getting skint and this was supposed to replace my old Peugeot. Wish I kept it because at least it started every time.

Please, please can anyone advise me. I can't afford to take it Renault and where I live the local garages are uber expensive. My mechanics is away on holiday, how dare he, and I need this car to work.

Are there any tricks I can try. I've tried locating such things as the earth to car cable etc but have not got a clue what I'm looking for and every time I google such things there seem to be none for the Scenic...lots for the Clio and Megane but not for a bloody Scenic.

Again apologies for posting something that has already been discussed at great length but I can't find what I'm looking for and find forums quite confusing.

Thank you for taking the time to read my dribble and can someone please tell meow to post this in the correct place as I'm finding it difficult to do so....

HELP, dodgy Scenic (04) 1.5 dci

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