samedi 5 septembre 2015

2007 Scenic II 1.6 K4M 16V with 6 speed - Hestitates during acceleration

During acceleration, the engine hestitates and surges. It doesn't seem like a single missing cylinder, rather all cyinders run or dont. The harder you accelerate, the more jerky it is. Really kangerooing. Once at constant speed, it rolls alone fine on all four. The behavior started about 100km ago, and got worse such that I stopped driving it.

The car is also sluggish to start, needing a little throttle to catch it. Once running it idles fine.

The OBD doesn't seem to have picked up the problem, as it still says 21000km till next service, and the CAT hasn't yet triggered emissions warnings.

So far I replaced the plugs, and replaced the coils. This made no change. I also pulled the throttle body, cleaned it and reinstalled it. The throttle butterfly moves smoothly with moderate pressure against it's spring.

I wanted to clean the crank angle (TDC sensor) but can't find it. I see it should be on the front of the bell housing (this is a six speed), but jacked the car up, and grovelled around underneath, and it is not to be found. The only sensor on the front of the gearbox is not on the bell housing, but on the gearbox itself and looks like a temp sensor.

Any help would be much appreciated.


2007 Scenic II 1.6 K4M 16V with 6 speed - Hestitates during acceleration

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