samedi 19 septembre 2015

Laguna heater - Cold on passenger side, warm on drivers

Hi Folks,

Been having a problem lately with the heater on my Laguna 2 blowing cold on the passenger side and warm (only just) on the drivers side. I searched the forum for info and found quite a few answers including fuses - found all OK, disconnect battery for a while - didn't work, water level low - OK.

Found one that said to disconnect all wiring to the heater control unit and also the wiring (blue) between the 2 circuit boards inside the control unit then just put it all back together again. This worked! It only took about 20 minutes.

I took photos all the way through the process but I can't attach them as the whole file is about 5 Mb and is therefore too big. Ideally if it was possible to attach them to this post they would really help someone else with the same problem.

Anyway, it worked for me. Hopefully it'll worked for others too.

Laguna heater - Cold on passenger side, warm on drivers

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