samedi 24 janvier 2015

2011 renault trafic 2.0dci 115bhp

Hi, Can anyone help with a diagnosis on the following problem.

The vehicle is suffering from water loss approx 1 lite per 100 miles, heater is luke warm and the engine/ water pipes only ever seem to get barely warm.

I have bled the system numerous times & have also noticed air bubbles coming back into the expansion tank, then a shot of water then air bubbles again. I have replaced the expansion tank cap & also put in steel seal but this hasn't solved the problem also when the vehicle is left overnight upon starting grey smoke puffs out for about 5-10 seconds then clears, dosen't smoke at all when warm.

The vehicle starts perfectly when hot or cold & runs like a dream no loss of power in any gears.

I suspect a head/head gasket problem--- hoping someone can advise me further.


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