Howdy all, having probs with my Espace and it seems like this is the best spot to visit for advice, so I am really hoping you can help point me in the right direction. I am quite happy to get involved in all mechanical work, but most of my experience is Vauxhall realted as I spent my youth tinkering with these, main prob is I have limited opportunity to look at the car with 2 toddlers on my hands when not at work, but fear the bill if I send it to the garage for investigation.
It is a mkIV Espace 2.0t from 2003. The description of faults is as follows…
· Approx 1 month ago the EM light came on, but the car felt fine, coupla days later it went off again, so thought no more of it. Car felt fine at this point.
· Coupla weeks ago the car started to feel just a little slow on local driving.
· On the 6th Feb I took a 50 mile motorway drive, the car was very underpowered, hard work getting up to speed on the flat, uphill it slowed down to 65ish. Once up to speed it could maintain 75 no prob and reach 80 with coaxing.
· I had it into the garage for a diagnostic check, only code was DF394 CAT FUNCTION FAULT.
· Chucked a bottle of Cataclean through it.
· Over the next week we unfortunately had to use it for a good 500 miles without any work being done, no option to not due to family probs. It gradually got worse. It would sometimes feel as if misfiring, and sounded like a low comp engine, acceleration got slower still. The EM light came back, the screen said “anti pollution monitor fault”
· On the last journey home it managed the 70 miles slowly. Foot down off a roundabout it would misfire and bog down, gentle throttle meant it would very slowly accelerate. Momentum on the motorway was my friend. Uphill it slowed to sub 50mph on occasion. Finally in the last coupla miles to home it went into limp mode. 2000rpm max, EM light on, ESP light on, SERVICE light on, a squiggly line light on (dunno what it is!). Readout mentions APM fault again, then states ESP fault, then something else I can’t remember about injection system.
· Now after being stopped and restarted, it works again, but just a little spirited driving will put it into limp mode straight away.
· I have had the plugs out to inspect, didn’t check gaps but all plugs kinda evenly coloured, although second one is slightly discoloured compared to other three it didn’t ring any alarm bells.
So, any advice, experience etc really appreciated. Got no smoke when driving which is encouraging. Do not know whether I should be looking at injection system, ignition, sensors, air pipes, exhaust/turbo, lost!!!
Thanks for reading. Jamie.
It is a mkIV Espace 2.0t from 2003. The description of faults is as follows…
· Approx 1 month ago the EM light came on, but the car felt fine, coupla days later it went off again, so thought no more of it. Car felt fine at this point.
· Coupla weeks ago the car started to feel just a little slow on local driving.
· On the 6th Feb I took a 50 mile motorway drive, the car was very underpowered, hard work getting up to speed on the flat, uphill it slowed down to 65ish. Once up to speed it could maintain 75 no prob and reach 80 with coaxing.
· I had it into the garage for a diagnostic check, only code was DF394 CAT FUNCTION FAULT.
· Chucked a bottle of Cataclean through it.
· Over the next week we unfortunately had to use it for a good 500 miles without any work being done, no option to not due to family probs. It gradually got worse. It would sometimes feel as if misfiring, and sounded like a low comp engine, acceleration got slower still. The EM light came back, the screen said “anti pollution monitor fault”
· On the last journey home it managed the 70 miles slowly. Foot down off a roundabout it would misfire and bog down, gentle throttle meant it would very slowly accelerate. Momentum on the motorway was my friend. Uphill it slowed to sub 50mph on occasion. Finally in the last coupla miles to home it went into limp mode. 2000rpm max, EM light on, ESP light on, SERVICE light on, a squiggly line light on (dunno what it is!). Readout mentions APM fault again, then states ESP fault, then something else I can’t remember about injection system.
· Now after being stopped and restarted, it works again, but just a little spirited driving will put it into limp mode straight away.
· I have had the plugs out to inspect, didn’t check gaps but all plugs kinda evenly coloured, although second one is slightly discoloured compared to other three it didn’t ring any alarm bells.
So, any advice, experience etc really appreciated. Got no smoke when driving which is encouraging. Do not know whether I should be looking at injection system, ignition, sensors, air pipes, exhaust/turbo, lost!!!
Thanks for reading. Jamie.
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