dimanche 16 août 2015

Espace 2.0 dCi 175 FAP - "Check Injection" message

Yesterday we drove 600+ miles in our 2008 Espace down the Autoroutes of France to the Alp region.

I noticed a couple of times on the autoroutes when maintaining the 130km/h limit (85mph) on a hill that a "check injection" warning message came up on the dash. I settled back to around 75mph and no more messages... until we came off the autoroutes and hit some real hills and as soon as the engine is labouring a bit up a steep incline and/or the revs are above about 2500 rpm (not often required in normal driving with this engine) then the message was coming on. Even once on a steep downhill using engine breaking in 4th I noticed it came on. The message always disappears after a while when normal roads are resumed.

We are at the beginning of a 2 week holiday in the mountains so I am a bit concerned as to what to do and what this might be. I've been reading other posts and there appear to be many different issues in connection with this message.
I wouldn't have thought it would be FAP related due to the long motorway run yesterday... but what about EGR etc? Is this something that I can leave until return to the UK or is something likely to fail?

There is no apparent change in performance etc - the car still drives fine. If I didn't see the message there would be no cause for concern!

Any suggestions would be appreciated??
Thanks very much.

Espace 2.0 dCi 175 FAP - "Check Injection" message

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