vendredi 4 juillet 2014

only one key card?

:confused:hi all started this ad amazes me the amount of members that only have one key card.personally I have two,but like today wife,s out shopping and phone goes a unknown number and I don't answer them. phone goes again it's the daughter,mums locked out of the car at the shopping centre.of I spare with the spare card.she had unlocked the car with the door button but opened the boot put in the shopping closed it and gone back to the shops.the car sensed the door had not been opened and locked it's self back up.have now hidden the spare blade under the car and spare card inside(before anyone asks have an old one in case the car should be stolen for the insurance company)my point of this post is if I didn't have a spare would would I have done?.How many of you out there only have one card and what would you do if you lost it or locked it in,would you go on a trip with out the comfort of a spare wheel, will be interested how many will admit to only having one cheers

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