dimanche 1 mars 2015

F5R IDE piston in F7R engine ?

Hi every one :) I am from Bulgaria and my English is not very good and I apologize for that !

I have in my garage engine: F7R, F5R IDE and F7P. Who is the best formula to build the engine whit parts from these 3 engines ?

I know that f7r block whit f7p cilinder head is very good combination whit a high compression ratio. But this is not enough to me :d My plan it to build more perfomance engine with low budget

The piston of IDE engine look like a racing pistons :d Bore and stroke of these pistons is identical than F7R . But are they compatible with one of these two cylinder heads(F7R or F7P)

Is it possible :F7R block,crankshaft and conecting roods whit IDE pistons and F7P cilind***1077;r head or F7R cilind***1077;r head

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