vendredi 28 août 2015

Returning to Renault

My first car was a Renault, a 6tl if I remember correctly. It was great fun to drive, with the gear stick coming out of the dashboard. Years later, almost 40 years later, I find myself with a wonderful new Grand Scenic Automatic.
I'm disabled, so the automatic part is a must. It's my third car on the Motability scheme, & also the best one. I picked it up on Wednesday, yesterday as I write this, & it seems brilliant. Due to my disability, although I do drive, my wife drives any distance, so the next few days, it will be her behind the wheel.
I have 2 kids, a girl of 8, going on 15, & a boy of 6, going on 7, bless him.
That's me. I'm 57 by the way. We had kids late, a road traffic accident in December '99 left me with a broken back. Other things than kids took precedence for a while.
Driving is something I enjoy, long may it be so.

Returning to Renault

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