jeudi 24 avril 2014

Can Anybody confirm or resolve??

hi guys , not really a solution type of question , its a hit & hope someone can verify or not type question , & its this ; got my megane dynamique 1.5 eco 10 plate , now after only having it 4 days notice a noise when depressing the clutch not a loud noise but a noise nevertheless , so i take back to dealership & to cut a long story short , 3 visits later i get the call after the respectful dealers cannot fix or even get to the source of the problem even after replacing bearings ,cylinders,clutch set etc & took it up to Renault dealers & the response i got absolutely stunned me, dealers said Renault say its just a characteristic of this particular model & nothing can be done about it ,plus they have another model of same age ,spec etc in their forecourt which seemingly produces the same noise!

so along i go see guy & right enough i press the clutch & makes a whirring, rattly noise ,very similar if not worse than mine , so can anyone with any knowledge of this FAULT (as i described it to guy in dealers,a fault not characteristic) or have even heard anything remotely connected to a fault regarding the clutch system in the megane eco dynamique mk3 1.5 diesel ? i,d be really appreciative if you could enlighten me on this information or any clue as to what 3 visits to a very respectable dealers & a Renault garage could not find or fix!!

many thanks, Alan

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