vendredi 26 décembre 2014

1999 renault espace heater problem

Hi All. Although I have owned many Renaults and have 2 now I have an issue I am struggling with. Heater has packed up at the worst time with 5 kids under 8 and ice on the car most days its unbearable with no heater. A Renault bloke said it was the control panel so I got a recon one with guarantee and fitted it but still no fan on any setting. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT TO CHECK NEXT as I cant afford a garage to do it as I am unwell (Gastric Ulcer) and on ESA benefits! Do I need to check a fuse? if so where is it? Do I need to take the whole dash out to check resistor, blower/motor and if so whats the easiest way as energy and strength are not on my side while I am unwell? or perhaps there is a Renault mechanic / mobile mechanic in the Sevenoaks / Kent area you know of that would come and help me for a price of course? Please help before I end up with frozen kids! Blakey.

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