mardi 23 décembre 2014

Clio mkii 2002 1.5 DCI ,Wet floor in driver footwell

Hi guys I know this is a fairly common thread and I have been looking but as it is so close to Christmas I wanted as much advice as possible so I can go buy parts/tools today.

Basically my windows steam up really badly, and I've noticed the drivers footwell is quite wet!

I know to unblock the three drains under the scuttle panel,

test the sunroof and door seals (blast water and check for seepage)

check the aerial base

replace pollen filter

Can anyone tell of of any other possible causes, I've seen some threads about water in the heater matrix or AC system but I can't find much info about it! Please help me I would like to be able to check this all out and get it sorted today!

Thank you!

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